A Plea from a Friend

As a wise man once said, it's time for this country to get patriotic about something other than war.
P.S. The message below is from a Republican.
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Subject: Can you help?
As much as you are able, I would be so grateful for any publicity or media coverage you might generate on behalf of a friend, Linda Fields - whose sister needs long term care insurance. Any health care reform package must take this into account - and here's the reason why. Linda's story:
Linda's sister, an art teacher in Baltimore was nearly eligible for her full pension when a catastrophic illness put her in a wheelchair. She now sits at home a paraplegic (nearly quadriplegic since she has limited use of her hands), depressed and feeling abandoned by our health care system. She, like more than 10-million other Americans, needs help at home. Her doctor prescribed it. But to my horror, her insurance company, Blue Cross Blue Shield (ironically, "CareFirst" in Maryland) feels that despite her spinal cord disease, a rectal prolapse which could cause her to hemorrhage, and an impacted colon which needs cleaning daily, she does not require skilled nursing and therefore is not covered. Her case manager at Blue Cross insists the decision is irrevocable and cannot be appealed since "custodial care is all that is required". Her husband cannot do it, so she is expected to find help on her own --- if she can afford it. She cannot.
As congress considers the daunting task of reforming our nation's health care system --I cannot help but wonder if there will be any consideration for the growing number of Americans who need long-term care. The only recourse is to be wealthy (or lucky enough to be among the small minority who have an expensive long-term care policy) or be destitute, in a nursing home as a ward of the state.
Why are the long-term needs of so many ignored? Our nation's population is aging and our politicians are near-sighted!!! This needs to be examined. Howard Gleckman at the Urban Institute would make a great interview -- and Linda's sister would, too.
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