My Son Is Not Normal

So about a month ago, James (5) said he wanted to write a book. I took some scrap paper and stapled it together to simulate a book, and he started writing. This is the result.


Anonymous said…
I give James five more years and voila, next project: particle physics.
cookielady said…
Brilliant! Can James write this year's Christmas letter??
Marc Conklin said…
Hah! Wait, was that a slam on my writing...?
Anonymous said…
Astute bit of writing.
And I'm not saying that just because I myself come from Cucamonga (Calif., about 40 miles east of Los Angeles).
Ted said…
I really like how he played on the concept of Globalization while pointing out the bickering we have while clinging to cultures instead of humanity. This should be a SchoolHouse Rock segment.

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