Does This Work on You?

But then I go to and see the banner ad above, and all my thinking about the state of 21st century communication, the graphics on the evolution of "brand" that I throw out at meetings, my careful thoughts on how to keep the high school yearbook relevant in the era of Facebook... fly into the irrelevance void, because THIS is what actually works on people.
What I don't understood--and I remember starting to feel this way sometime in the 80s when Budweiser launched its Spuds McKenzie campaign--is how I can't seem to convince a drowning man to put on a life jacket, while apparently other people can sit in a meeting with people who make 10 times their annual salaries and blow them away with, "Okay, here it is... a man and woman with really big heads!"
Wait a minute, less than $1,498 a month?
However, I'm always encouraged when I see how many people on the light rail are reading--all kinds of books, magazines, newspapers--this is a reader's town and that's great.
To paraphrase Christ: "There will always be stupid people."
Then I realized you can finance a $500,000 house in Minnesota for half what I pay in rent for a Manhattan studio...and then my head exploded.
And no one to deliver beer to my apartment at 2 AM.