The key to life...

... is having low expectations, so that when good things do occasionally happen, one is pleasantly surprised. With that, I'm off to to Hollywood to fail miserably.


msmaupin said…
You got it! See you when you return.
The Wordman said…
blaze a trail of fire and genius, and make your homies proud!
Marc Conklin said…
Let's just say this one lived up to my expectations. In keeping with Bellamy's conspiracy theory, there were four winners, and I finished fifth.
msmaupin said…
Ah, mannnnnnnn......

However, did you meet with anyone? Sense any interest? There could be follow up...being there was important, networking and getting in the mix.
Marc Conklin said…
Unfortunately, it was a networking bust as well... unless something happens post-event. The only people any of us met were fellow finalists. I'm not sure who was there, if anyone. People could fill out a card to request your script, but that's about it.
Anonymous said…
What happened to the S.P. guys who said they wanted to produce DBB?
Marc Conklin said…
That's still a possibility, but not something that will be talked about for another 1-2 weeks. I guess the biggest push on "exposure" happens now, post event, and I get a nice little "SCRIPT PIMP PREFERRED" moniker on InkTip. Did I mention that I came in 5th, and that there were four winners?
msmaupin said…
So, when you say that, all 20 were ranked 1-20 and the top 4 got the grand prizes? And they TOLD you that you were 5th? That's just cruel.

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